Malka Adi Karen Katuvim To Ranaan-Hey Spirit (Piney Woods Mississippi 1992)

Malka Adi Karen Katuvim

Ranaan Bar Iami (Student)
The Piney Woods Country Life School
Piney Woods, Mississippi 39148 


Dear Ari Kohan Ranaan,

Good morning. I think it would be good to call us every Sunday. Then we can discuss what we'll discuss at your church. I'm going to give you a scripture to read every morning before you go to class. After you have read it, then you will remember it by heart. You know how good your memory is. Read Philippians 4 chapter and the 13th verse, Philippians 4:13.

" I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me "

 In the scripture when you see "th" on the end of a word, that means "to continue to". That is your scripture lesson for today smile. Be sure to tell me about how it works. Remember Ari Kohan, the word of God is true and if you do what it says you will prosper.

Now did you write your Ima Write a love letter? Write your Abba? Write your Achee? Your studies always come first. Okay another thing about God, if you talk to him, he will talk to you in a wee wee small voice from within in. Try it. Remember God is always with you. When you pray, always and by saying "in Jesus name" and "thank you God."

Now you have a Alma Achotee. You are Bakar Ach to two Achees and two Achotee, how about that. Just look at you, you got the first chance to experience the Rights To Passage. It will be good to write to Ima Joyce for starting that program. Remember, again, God is in everything. It would be unique for Bakar Ach to write a letter to his Alma Achotee. Just think one day when she can read, she will read your letter to her. 

Well enough of mush mush smile. You are doing fine, continue on. This is your 59 year old Malka Ima talking to her 15 year old Bar Iami. Call soon. 

I love you madly
Malka Ima. 

PS. You will always receive encouraging words from me.


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